Aurora Mejía y Ana Salomon
Luis Ayllón. 28/072018
The Council of Ministers appointed yesterday Aurora Mejía and Ana Sálomon, new general directors for Europe and for North America, replacing Juan López-Herrera and Fidel Sendagorta, respectively.
Aurora Mejía is in charge of the General Directorate of Western, Central and Southeastern Europe, after the arrival of Josep Borrell to the Foreign Ministry there was a small restructuring on the competences of some General Directorates. In particular, the one that Aurora Mejía will now carry was previously called «Bilateral Relations with European Union Countries, Candidate Countries and European Economic Area Countries», with which she also dealt with the countries of Eastern Europe, which now pass to increase the competences of the General Directorate of North America, Asia and the Pacific.
In this way, Ana Sálomon will be the general director of North America, Eastern Europe, Asia and Pacific. In this General Directorate, the General Subdirectorate, which deals with Russia, Ukraine and other countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia, such as Kazakhstan, is now integrated, and Jorge Urbiola is currently in charge.
Aurora Mejía has been a diplomat since 1987 and two years ago was Deputy Director General of Security in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, after having been Ambassador in Special Mission for Afghanistan and Pakistan and Ambassador in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Between 2008 and 2012 she was the General Director of International Legal Cooperation in the Ministry of Justice and, previously, ambassador in the Special Mission for the Promotion of Gender Equality Policies, after having spent some time as an advisory member in the Cabinet of the Presidency of the Government. He has also been «number two» at the Embassy in Brazil and has been assigned to diplomatic missions in Romania, Denmark and NATO.
For her part, Ana Sálomon entered the Diplomatic Career in 1988 and since 2017 she occupied the second position at the Embassy in Rome. Previously she was ambassador in Cyprus, ambassador in Special Mission for the Community and Jewish Organizations and first general director of Casa Sefarad-Israel (2007-2008). She has also been deputy director of the Cabinet of the Foreign Minister and consul in Rabat and was appointed in the embassies of Spain in Panama, Belgrade and NATO.