Oman News Agency
On Monday, the 23rd of July 2018, the Sultanate of Oman will celebrate the start of its modern renaissance (Oman Renaissance Day) under the leadership of Sultan Qaboos Bin Said.
Way back in 1970, a new dawn shone on Oman, marking an era of development, progress and prosperity in all fields.
Sultan Qaboos has met with great success in building a modern state capable of reviving the country’s past glory and the leading role of Oman in the region and the world at large. This has been achieved with a deep involvement of Omani citizens, based on the principle of citizenship, equality and rule of law as stated in the Basic Law of the State promulgated by Royal decree in 1996.
While the 23rd of July 1970 constituted the beginning of a new glorious era with the prime aim of providing a better life for Omani citizens all over the country, Sultan Qaboos made it clear, since the first day, that the Omani citizen himself would be the maker, guardian and beneficiary of the renaissance. Therefore, extensive efforts have been undertaken at all levels to develop the skills of citizens, with special emphasis on youth, to instill confidence in them and help them shoulder the responsibility of nation building.
From this point of view, it is no coincidence that the Omani citizen became the very focus of all development efforts, plans and programmes over the past 48 years of the Omani renaissance. Therefore, the country rallied all its energies and resources, both human and material, for building qualified national cadres. Omani women have enjoyed equal status within this process of development. Women have had access to all levels of education, healthcare, social care and training in a highly unprecedented manner. The result—a formidable push forward in economic and social welfare that laid down a solid foundation for unity and the growth of an ideal state that was the dream Omani people made true at the hands of Sultan Qaboos Bin Said.
Over the past 48 years, and, despite critical conditions during the start of the Omani renaissance, Sultan Qaboos’s determination, his astute leadership and his deep love for Oman and its people—coupled with intensive rallying and allegiance by his own people and their passionate devotion for their leader—gave rise to a formidable march that yielded fruit in all governorates and wilayats.
It is highly significant that, in spite of the tumultuous waves of instability and wars whose price is paid by brotherly people in this region, the wise leadership of Oman espoused a clear-cut stance that guaranteed the country’s safety and made it an oasis of peace, security and stability that has earned the respect of all nations. The Sultanate has made extensive efforts to end the wars and revive a climate of peace to the countries in the Gulf, the Arab world and the region at large.
24/07/2018. © All rights reserved