Lenín Moreno./ Photo: @Lenin
The Diplomat. 21/07/2018
The Council of Ministers yesterday authorized the Agreement between Spain and Ecuador on police cooperation in ther field of security and fight against transnational organized crime.
The approval comes on the eve of the second official visit to Spain of the president of Ecuador, Lenin Moreno, who will travel next week to Spain to meet with King Felipe VI and the president of the Government, Pedro Sánchez.
The Executive of Mariano Rajoy also approved a treaty of mutual legal assistance in criminal matters between Spain and Ecuador precisely on the eve of the first official visit of Moreno, at the end of 2017.
The agreement approved yesterday responds to «the concern that both countries share for the scope of the criminal phenomena and for the challenges posed to the security of human trafficking, terrorism, drug trafficking and new manifestations of organized transnational crime», the Government said.
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The Ecuadorian president will make his second official trip to Spain next week
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The Convention regulates aspects such as the fight against organized crime, with specific reference to terrorism, and collaboration in the operative-investigative activity of the different types of crime.
It also establishes the conditions for proceeding to the exchange of information between the two countries and provides that, in case of need, Spain and Ecuador may establish a Joint Commission to develop and evaluate police cooperation.