Photo: Voice of America, Public Domain
The Diplomat. 19/07/2018
The Embassy of Spain in Managua has recommended that Spaniards living in Nicaragua avoid displacements «that are not strictly necessary», that avoid concentrations of people and high-risk areas and that they leave the country «by their own means if they feel insecure».
«It is foreseeable, in the short term, that there will continue to be concentrations of people, traffic cuts (including those that may affect border posts), and high-risk situations», warns the Embassy in a note released last Tuesday. «There are cases of fuel shortages in certain areas of the country, and a decrease in means of land transport and commercial flights”, it continues.
Apart, according to the Embassy, there is «a significant increase in crime» and in recent days there has been an «increase in the risk of confrontations in areas where there are roadblocks and barricades». In this sense, «the area of Masaya-Monimbó and of Pueblos Blancos is considered at this time of high risk».
Therefore, the Embassy urges Spanish citizens who are in Nicaragua to «leave the country by their own means if they feel insecure”. «For those Spanish citizens who are not in the country, it is discouraged to visit Nicaragua», it adds.
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The Embassy reminds Nicaraguan law allows the expulsion of foreigners who participate in internal politics
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Likewise, it recommends avoiding displacements «that are not strictly necessary» and driving at night, as well as university zones and places «where there are barricades or traffic stops», while remembering that «access to the airport it can be interrupted”.
The representation in Managua also calls on Spanish citizens to refrain from «witnessing, participating or traveling near concentrations of people», since «the Nicaraguan Immigration Law considers as a cause of expulsion the participation of foreign citizens in domestic politics».
The Embassy also warns that both the Nicaraguan authorities -including the emergency services- and the representation of Spain «have a limited capacity to respond in situations of danger», so «measures of prevention and anticipation of personal needs must be maximized».