Ömer Önhon
Turkey’s Ambassador
Two years have passed since the coup attempt of July 15 with which an attempt was made to put an end to the democratic order of Turkey and overthrow the elected government. Since then, Turkey has made public additional evidence, the result of investigations carried out both within Turkey and abroad on FETÖ organization, which prove that the failed coup d’état of 15 July was planned by FETÖ under the direction of Fethullah Güllen and carried out by elements of this organization infiltrated in the armed forces by means of civil «imams» in disguise.
In this context, these evidences are made up of the statements of the military officers members of FETÖ detained, the texts of the conversations they had with high-rank FETÖ members, whose names were obtained from wiretap and demonstrate the involvement of the latter in the direction of FETÖ elements infiltrated in the Armed Forces, as well as the innumerable visits they made to Fethullah Gülen in Pennsylvania and the contacts they had there with him. Also, in the course of these investigations, evidence has also been obtained which reveals the existence of dormant cells of this dark organization, its espionage activities and its responsibility in other crimes.
Bylock, the mobile application that began to be used in early 2014 by FETÖ as a means of communication, is a very important source of data when determining the identity of FETÖ members. Bylock is characterized mainly by being an application developed by FETÖ itself with the specific purpose of being used by the members of the organization for their own activities and purposes, only being ready to be used after completing several multi-level encryption processes and counting on the adequate passwords.
Currently, the content of approximately 1.7 million messages is being deciphered gradually. This content reveals how the network created by FETÖ is, inside and outside the country, and shows that they committed crimes such as intelligence gathering, bribery, placement of like-minded people in key positions or falsification.
The structure of this organization within the police agencies, discovered thanks to the deciphering of the encryption keys of the systems used by its members, is a remarkable example of the true face of this group and of the terrifying network that it had organized. Also tables have been obtained in Excel format in which the data of 277,000 members of the General Police Directorate had been registered in 80 different categories, showing their degree of loyalty to the organization.
As a result of these administrative and legal investigations carried out during the last two years, FETÖ has been largely eliminated from our state institutions and breaking its backbone in the country.
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«FETÖ is not the civil movement dedicated to teaching and to the charities that it claimed to be»
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In light of the research conducted and the evidence obtained, we are pleased to note that world public opinion is beginning to discern the true nature of FETÖ. The statements of England and Germany, as well as of the authorities of numerous foreign governments, show that the reality concerning the responsibility of FETÖ in the attempted coup d’état is finally accepted.
It is finally understood that FETÖ is not the civil movement dedicated to teaching and to the charities that it claimed to be. In fact, FETÖ structure in the US is already under FBi’s scrutiny.
As a result of this, the number of preventive measures applied by other countries against the ramifications of FETÖ abroad has increased in recent months. In fact, FETÖ uses in all countries the same strategy that it deployed in Turkey, using the schools that it establishes as axes around which they weave the networks they set up with the aim of increasing their economic and political influence, for which they carry out illegal activities. Thus, FETÖ leaders in various countries have already been deported to our country. There are also members of FETÖ who have been deported from other countries after the cancellation of their residence permits. Similarly, FETÖ is losing its teaching institutions one by one, which were the most effective tool in their hands to obtain income and recruit new members. Hundreds of FETÖ schools and academies have been closed or expropriated by governments in more than 30 countries.
We hope that these research work serve as an example for all the countries worldwide in which FETÖ network extends, since the existence of an organization that to increase its power does not hesitate to carry out illegal activities of all kinds, create parallel intelligence networks and kill innocents, trying to end a democratic system, is a serious threat to any country that believes in democracy.
17/07/2018. © All rights reserved