Presentation of the report on the contribution of the Parliaments. / Foto: @MisionGinebra
The Diplomat. 08/07/2018
Spain has served as vice president of the thirty-eighth session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC), which ended this past Friday in Geneva and in which several resolutions and initiatives co-sponsored by our country related to women’s rights, education or the role of companies were approved, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, EU and Cooperation.
One of the most controversial points of this session was the decision of the United States to withdraw from the Council. Spain has regretted this measure and has expressed confidence in continuing to cooperate with Washington in the field of human rights.
During this session, according to Foreign Affairs, Spain participated actively in the annual debate on women’s rights, which this year focused on online violence against women human rights defenders.
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The 38th session of the body was marked by the withdrawal of the US, a decision that Spain «regrets»
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In addition, the Council approved several resolutions and initiatives that were co-sponsored by Spain, among which are those related to the elimination of discrimination against women, the prevention and elimination of violence against women and girls, the space of society civil society, business and human rights, the right to education or the preventive mandate of the Human Rights Council, as well as others about the situation in various countries.
Spain also cosponsored a parallel act on the Right to Education and Information and Communication Technologies, and the presentation of the Report of the Office of the High Commissioner on the contribution of national parliaments to the work of the Council.