Law of Political Parties makes democracy impossible
What is the key instrument guaranteeing political democracy? The Constitution establishes it in its article 6: “Political parties take part ...
What is the key instrument guaranteeing political democracy? The Constitution establishes it in its article 6: “Political parties take part ...
¿Cuál es el instrumento clave garante de la democracia política? La Constitución lo establece en su artículo 6: “Los partidos ...
The president of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, will expound the main lines of foreign policy in a debate before the ...
El presidente del Gobierno, Pedro Sánchez, expondrá sus líneas principales de política exterior en un debate ante el pleno del ...
On October 8, Barcelona will host the III Regional Forum of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), a moment that ...
Barcelona acogerá el 8 de octubre el III Foro Regional de la Unión por el Mediterráneo (UpM), un momento que ...
Yesterday, Josep Borrell did not like when the Member of Parliament of Podemos Pablo Bustinduy reproached him for having made ...
A Josep Borrell no le agradó ayer que el diputado de Podemos Pablo Bustinduy le reprochara que hubiera escasos avances ...
Spain wants to strengthen cooperation with Australia in big issues of the multilateral agenda, according to information provided yesterday by ...
España quiere reforzar la cooperación con Australia en los grandes temas de la agenda multilateral, según informó ayer el Ministerio ...
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